Human Trafficking
Human trafficking is modern-day slavery and involves the use of force, fraud, or coercion to obtain some type of labor or commercial sex act. Human trafficking can happen to both children and adults.
Commercial sexual exploitation of children (CSEC) is a commercial transaction that involves the sexual exploitation of a child, such as prostitution and child pornography. CSEC may involve coercion and violence against children and may amount to forced labor and a form of contemporary slavery. CSEC can also involve offering the sexual services of children for compensation, financial or otherwise.
Resources Available in Rhode Island:
(401) 421-4100 (M-F, 8:00 am – 5:00 pm)
(800) 494-8100 (24-hour Helpline)
Day One’s mission is to reduce the prevalence of sexual abuse and violence and to advocate for those affected by it. Day One is the only agency in Rhode Island organized specifically to deal with issues of sexual assault as a community concern.
Mentor Programs
Day One’s Survivor Mentor Program pairs former victims of human trafficking with youth who are at risk or confirmed to be commercially exploited. Pairing youth with survivors who have been trained in anti-human trafficking advocacy gives the program an advantage in reaching youth on a relatable level. This survivor-led model helps cultivate what we expect to be lifelong relationships that provide support, guidance, and resources to help victims become successful, independent adults in today’s ever-changing society.
My Life, My Choice
My Life, My Choice (MLMC) is also available for survivor treatment and prevention. MLMC groups are a way to educate at-risk youth in recognizing and avoiding tactics of human trafficking recruiters. The program can help lead these youth out of the risk of exploitation or help those who are already involved. MLMC addresses immediate and long-term needs of young people with a support group of peers and mentors. MLMC’s goal is to educate youth about the realities and perceptions of the commercial sex industry and help them build self-esteem.
For more information on the Day One Survivor Mentor Program or the My Life My Choice class curriculum, dates, and enrollment, contact our Mentoring Coordinator at (401) 421-4100.
Multi-Disciplinary Teaming
Our Multi-Disciplinary Teaming (MDT) process is designed to ensure the medical, social services, and law enforcement responses to child sex trafficking are victim-centered. The team assesses the child’s immediate needs and develops a safety plan. The goal of the MDT process is the stabilization and well-being of the child, as well as assisting with the law enforcement investigation.
For more information, please contact our MDT Coordinator at (401) 421-4100 ext.134 or email
Care Coordination
Our Care Coordination program is focused specifically on responding to human trafficking victims and their unique support needs. The Care Coordination program is responsible for:
Crisis intervention
Assessment of victims and their families
Identifying appropriate services
Enhancing supports
Assisting with housing, transportation, education, and financial needs
Helping caregivers with a broader support system through support groups and other resources
Ensuring appropriate referrals
For more information, please contact our Care Coordinator at (401) 421-4100 ext. 142 or email
be. Program
The be. program was created by Day One to empower children involved in human trafficking by connecting them to their community through enrichment opportunities, scholarships, and leadership training. The goal of be. is to engage the community, help young trafficking survivors believe in themselves and learn how to build positive relationships while providing opportunities for fun, success, and personal growth. Transitioning out of ‘the life’ is a difficult process that can take multiple attempts. Victims need to know they have other options.
Day One
(401) 765-3232 – Helpline
(401) 861-6191 – Drop-In Center & Business
386 Smith Street, Providence, RI 02908
Sojourner House is a comprehensive domestic violence and sexual assault agency. Sojourner House is a member of the RI Coalition Against Domestic Violence and provides safe shelter, transitional housing, permanent supportive housing, the Providence metro area’s only drop-in advocacy and resource center, Rhode Island’s only shelters for male victims of domestic violence and victims of human trafficking, support and advocacy for children who witness domestic violence, and more.
Sojourner House
Trafficking Housing Empowerment Immigration Advocacy (THEIA) Project
A collaborative effort between Sojourner House and Project Weber/RENEW, the THEIA Project provides safe shelter and supportive services to victims of human trafficking. THEIA Project clients have access to safe housing, basic needs, support groups, immigration advocacy, case management services, life-skills training, and trauma-informed supportive services. All THEIA Project clients will have access to Sojourner House’s and Project Weber/RENEW’s full continuum of programs and services.
The goals of the THEIA Project are to:
provide safe and supportive housing to victims of human trafficking;
promote recovery and personal success for victims of human trafficking; and
empower victims of human trafficking to achieve safety and self-sufficiency.
Rhode Island Uniform Response Protocol for the Commercial Sexual Exploitation of Children
Click the button below to view the Rhode Island Uniform Response Protocol. These protocols were amassed by the Rhode Island Statewide Human Trafficking Task Force.
Frequently Asked Questions
Who are the victims?
The average age of entry for victims is usually between the ages of 12-14. These are not the only ages at risk, however. Recent studies have labeled 200,000-300,000 children in danger of being trafficked, yearly and domestically in the United States.
Who are those most in danger of becoming victims?
Youth living in group homes and involved with Department of Children, Youth and Family (DCYF)
Runaway and homeless youth; especially youth from group homes
Youth with a history of sexual abuse
Children with developmental disabilities
Bullied youth
LGBQ/T youth
ALL teens seeking attention and relationships
What are some of the warning signs?
Unexplained tattoos of barcodes or initials that do not belong to them, which the person may not want to reveal
Youth girls with significantly older “boyfriends;” this label is a common way that traffickers or “pimps” disguise their identities and motives
Low or no school attendance
Little or no connection with family members
Youth missing curfew or staying out late
Youth with advanced knowledge of sexual behavior
Is human trafficking slavery?
Yes, human trafficking is a form of modern day slavery and involuntary servitude resulting in grave human rights violations. Sex trafficking involves individuals profiting from sexual exploitation of others and includes many physical and emotional consequences for its victims.
What drives human trafficking and child exploitation?
There are many driving factors of human trafficking and child exploitation, but the number one driver of this industry is the demand. According to the International Labour Organization (ILO), human trafficking brings in an estimated 150 billion dollars annually - $99 billion in sex trafficking and $51 billion in labor-related trafficking. The legal ramifications for "johns," or those buying from traffickers, and the traffickers themselves have been very low thus far. The United States as a whole is working to create stronger legal ramifications for johns and traffickers to protect victims.
There are other factors, such as the glorified life of “pimps” and traffickers in the media, and the sexualization of children that can lead to sex trafficking. This also muddies the understanding of consent; there is no such thing as a child prostitute. It is important the police, hospitals, and the community are informed that these youth are victims and need proper treatment and resources.
How prevalent is child exploitation in the United States?
Every state in the United States has had a reported case of human trafficking. No place - urban, rural, or suburban- is exempt from this heinous crime. It is important that we as a nation take the steps to prepare our communities, hospitals, schools, and police departments to capture traffickers and johns and provide the proper treatment for trafficked victims.
How prevalent is child exploitation in Rhode Island?
While exact data for Rhode Island overall is hard to come by, we do track the cases that come into Day One. During the first two years of our CSEC program, we have been referred over 70 cases for CSEC victims and expect more to come as the program develops. Rhode Island is not exempt from this crime.
Who do I contact if I think someone is being trafficked?
In Rhode Island, we have a set protocol to follow if you believe someone is being trafficked. You can download it here.
Other steps you can take:
Call 911 if you believe that someone you know is being trafficked and they are in immediate danger. For non-emergencies, call the police. There is also a National Human Trafficking Hotline at (888) 373-7888 or text "HELP" or "INFO" to 233733.